Alright guys, the last time I was here I said I was gonna post some of my favorite old style cleaning remedies. So here are a few of myne, a couple that my friends told me bout, and some I found on a couple of sites.
--you can use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to kill bugs (most all types of bugs)
around the house. This is useful whe you dont have the cash for bug spray or if
you have little ones crawling around.
--adding baking soda into your white wash load will help make the clothes even
brighter! You just wanna add the bleach in at the beginning of the load with
the detergent, and add the baking soda in with the rinse cycle.
--Of course, everybody knows this one.....peroxide helps remove blood stains.
--For crayon markings.....on vinyl or linoleum floors, you can use silver cleaner.
On wood floors, I've been told to use those soap filled brillo pads, but that
seems like it would leave huge scratches, and I would rather keep my lil ones
"art work" that have big scratch marks, so I dont have any recommendations for
this one. To get crayon marks off painted or tile walls, windex works everytime!!!
--To get pen stains out of fabric, sray some hairspray directly on the pen markings,
then scrub with your choice of detergent, then wash as normal.
--To remove gum from clothing, put a brown paper bag over the gum, and iron
over the paper bag. When you ull up the bag, the gum will come off with the
the bag. I love this one. An old woman told me bout this and IT WORKS!!
--Another one that almost everybody knows...toothpaste will clean tarnished
silver. Works great if you forgot to take off your silver jewelry before you
cleaned with bleach. Ive done this my whole life.
--Here's one that I never heard of but gotta try....To get your white socks really
white again, boil them in water with lemon slices. I will let you guys know how
this one turns out! lol
--Vinegar can be used as an all purpose cleaner, for just about any cleaning around
the house and even the car. Just mix half water and half vinegar, pour into a spray
bottle and your ready to clean!
--Here's one that I learned kig for a maid service. If there is cooked on food or anything
stuck in the microwave, spray the cleaner of your choice into the microwave, all inside,
and turn the microwave on for about 20 to 30 seconds. When it beeps, you will be able
to wipe it out 100x's easier.
--Right after using your Foreman Grill or any electic sandwich makers, soon as your done
using it, unplug it and place a dry paper towel in there and close it. The leftover heat
and steam will make moisture, causing anything that you would usually have to scrub
to come staight up with just a little wipe! After you wipe it clean with the hot, damp
towel, use another paper towel to get any excess.
--If the house is smelling weird, get a coffee cup and put two to three caps full of
vanilla extract into the cup. Put the coffee cup in the oven at 250 to 275 degrees.
The house will smell great in no time at all!
Alright there are a few of my little helpful hints for you guys. Hope that you are able to use afew of these little hints. I have no hobbies but housekeeping ever since I had two kids. So I find ways to make it fun for myself. lol. Right now I am getting into some organizing and things. Once I get some good info on it and have the chance to try out a few things myself, then I will blog and post a few things on that.
I am really getting into this blogging thing. Thanks to whoever you guys are that are reading these cause I really appreciate it!!! Until next time......
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