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Monday, March 18, 2013

Saturday wit the Kids

I really enjoy spending time with my family on the weekends. We cant always do it, but whe we can, we really have fun. My hubby didnt wanna go, which is so not normal!! But we had fun anyways!
It all started last night!! My daughter, who is 5 yrs old, had a birthday party sleepover to go to, and my hubby and my son went bowling. They originally planned to go to a putput golf place, but all three places that they know of were closed last night, so they decided on bowling. And my 7 yr old so whipped my husband's butt!! I stayed home and enjoyed myself just chilling out and watching some tv for awhile, had me some much needed mommytime!!! But I wont lie to you, the boys stayed out til 10 pm and I fell aleeep at 9pm! But oh well, It was funwhile it lasted!!!
Then, this morning, my son woke me up bout 6:30 am wanting some shorts. Then my man and my son rode to go handle some business. They got back bout 10:30am, then he dropped y son off here to me and went to go meet up with Teyaka, a girl I used to work with. After he seen her, he finally went and got my daughter!! The sleepover was supposed to b from 5pm on friday til 1pm on Saturday. Then the birthday party started at 1pm and ended at 3pm. Hell no!! I got her daddy to go pick her up bout 11am. We all just hung out for a while til it was bout an hour til the party. Then I jumped in the shower and me and my lil girl went  to walgreens to pick out a Monster High Doll. I bought a really nice bag to put it in, a really cute bow, and some tissue paper that I already had. Once me and my lil girl got back to the house and I fixed her hair n washed off her face n hands, she was like 15 minsw late for the party. My hubby took her and I washed dishes. My son hung out at the house and played with his best friend. while my lil girl n hubby were gone to the bday party, me, my son, n his friend Joe rode a friend of ours to go check out my cousin's jeep that she's trying to sell. I left b4 they made the final decisions so I could take the boys to the skate park, but from what I heardlater on, he didnt buy it! It ait really worth more than like $350 or $400 tops!! But it aint my business though right!?!
But ayways, that was the most unimportant part of my day!!!!
After we dropped Man off with Amanda to get that jeep, I took My son and his best friend to the skate park to check it out. My son had already seen it for like 20 mins the other day, but he really wanted to show his bestfriend the skate park. They ran around in the little figure eight bowl for like ten mins and then they watched these cool guys do some really badass tricks just for my boys! I thought that was really nice of them to do that!!! Then after I seen everything there was to see at the skate park and the boys got abit restless and started wanting to run around and coulda got hurt by a flyig skateboard of skateboarder, i got them into the car and asked them if they wanted to go wald around on the courthouse square to show them alittle bit of history, which is by the way my favorite thing in the world 'history', ad they were both down to do it! So, when we got down there, the boys had no interest in the square, they wanted to walk down the stairs to the fish pond and park and run around and play! So what the hell!?! We took off to run and play! But when we got down there, we noticed all these teenagers all dressed up for prom! So the first thing that came to all 3 of our minds, my lil girl!!! I called her daddy and asked her if the birthday party was over with yet so that he could bring her to me so that she could hang out with us and check out all these gorgeous prom dresses! Just so happens, he had just picked her up fro the party and they were on the way home, so I asked him if he would run by and grab a loaf of bread and bring me my daughter!! When she finally got there, we spennt like 30 to 45 mins looking at dresses! Even Jake's lil friend got into it big time like us girls! And my son, bless his lil heart, tryed like hell to get into looking at the dresses, but he's great at entertaining himself for at least 20 to 30 mins as long as I have a good reason for ignoring him!! The good Lord blessed me with two of the best kids in the world!!!! After looking at ever dress we could possibly run into to, I started to take the kids over to feed  the ducks and fish, but on the way,my lil girl found a beautiful pink dress on this really pretty girl and had a fit over the dress!! She is a really shy lil girl, but all that shyness went right out the window when she seen this dress and the girl in it!! lmbo!! She walked right over to her and told her she loved her dress and thought that she was so pretty. The lil chick in the prom dress thanked my lil girl and told her that she made her feel so pretty for the prom night!! Then she asked my daughter n me if she could pick her up and let her mom could take a picture of the two of them so that she could brag to people that a lil girl thought she was so pretty that she wanted her to hold her!! lmbo!!! I even took a couple shots of the two of them! That was a really sweet girl and she made my daughter's day with that that she did!! Whoever you are chick, I hope you read y posts and comment on here ad tell me your name so I can friend you on fb and tell everyone just how sweet and conciderate that you really r!! Im gonna try like hell to download one of the pics of the two girls and post it to my blog, probably not this one, put I will do my very damned best to get the pic on here. But anyhow, after we did our little mini fashion walk wit two boys in tow(lmao), we wet to feed to the fish. I thought my husband would have sent one of the 2 n half loaves we have, a whole loaf u know! But nope, he sent a bread bag wit five pieces of bread!!! That really upset me cause it cut our time short and i didnt wanna leave to buy bread and come back, that would have been way too much trouble for me and the kids were already getting tired and a bit cranky! But that was my Friday evening and my Saturday, almost all day Saturday. The rest of the kids Saturday was spent playig their lil butts off wit there lil friends, that was manly my son's evening, my daughter spent the rest of her evenig chilling on the couch watching the television like an old lady!!! But we all had a great tie and I an=, so glad that my son's best friend came along with us, that way my boy had even more fun ad didnt feel left out while me and my lil girl strolled around for almost an hour checking out dresses! lol.......I had a wonderful time with my babies!!! and mr. Joe too!!! Wonderful Saturday!!!!
Well guys, I gotta go!!! Gotta do a little cleaning b4 I go get my litte one in 30 mins!!  I also gotta admit.....Hello, my name is Ashley, and I a a blogger addict!!! lmmfao!!!
Oh and by the way, for got to tell you guys the gossip!! My neibor told me that she was gonna be the girls I was supposed to throw the shower for's ride to her baby shower!!!!!! Thats so fucking ea! Not only did she just completely diss me and the shower I was gonna throw her, but now me and my lil girl aint even invited!!!!!
Until Next Time My Besties!!!!!!....................Love Ya,Mea It!!!!!!!!!!!!

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