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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

terrible place to live!!

Im living in Mason Court Projects, one of the worst projects that there are in this town
amd My sweet lil family is stuck right in the middle of all of it! We came from out in the country, out Ryland Pike. Shit hit the fan and we had to move outta that trailer (and I LOVED that place!)
and we got stuck in a motelfor a few, really 5, weeks. Then I had a lady from the HHA call me and
offer me a 3 bedroom apt wit no rent and $60 off my light bill. That made my eyes sparkle!!!! lol.
But when I found out that they were putting me into Mason Court, I cryed! I knew this place would be like the projects on steriods! In the summertime its like being in the damn county jail!! I dont mean to sound like a racist or nothing, cause I fucking aint, but besides the nastyass white chick across from me with her gross ass white kids that never change theyre clothes, we are the only white people in the whole place!! It aint hard on me cause I really just keep to myself, but my hubby, last summer, got beat within an inch of his life! My son gets beat all the time, and even my sweet little girl got punched really bad the other day! I cant have my eyes on them at all times, and my lil boy is getting it the worst. Hell, just today, he was outside playing with his really close friends and one of them's older brother (14 yrs old) that hangs with them too. My son squeezed a water balloon in his own hands and some of the water got on this non hygienic little fuck. He got made and his 14 yr old ass jumped on my 7 yr old son. He pushed him down and kicked him in his back and sides repeatedly!! I told the little fuckers mom, who is supposed to be a good friend to me. She said she would hanlde it and no fuckiong joke....this dumbass stupid bitch brought that boy to my house to show me she "beat his ass!" with a plastic spatula. he had lil red welts on his forearms. Im gonna hire a friend of myne's teenage son to come over and do to him everything he did to my 7 yr old baby, plus fuck his face up!! You dont fuck with my family!!!!
Well, I vented long enough. I gotta go put my kiddos to bed. Got my little boy to take the last bit of his hydrocodone cough syrup so that he could sleep tonite without being sore! Pray he's fine and that we can get outta here soon!?!
In Jesus name we pray for these things! AMEN!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

a bit too much drama

Im pretty close with a girl that lives close to me in my apt complex. At first, she was a really cool chick, but lately she's just not so cool. She's 5 months pregnant and me having 2 kids myself, I understand that making you pretty hormonal. But this chick comes to my house everyday with some new story about her baby's daddy and what him and her fight about every damn day!! Apparently this guy is hitting her, then she comes to my house and tells me all about theyre fight and evderysingle thing he said and did, but she doesnt wanna call the cops and dont want me to! Im going against my better judgement by not calling the police myself, but Im scared that she might get into trouble and loose the 2 children that she has now, but at the same time saying that, why isnt she worried about the life and health of this third child. When he isnt smacking her or screaming at her, she said he also does crazy shit like write notes that say things about the devil and the baby not living. I havent ever heard of any shit like this!! When I was pregnant with both my kids, my husband would rub my belly and talk to the baby, put my shoes on for me, and push me up stairs so I wasnt as uncomfortable! I was tripped out when my cousin's wife was pregnant and he treated her like she was just normal and didnt baby her. This shit has me gone trying to figure out what to do! I wanna be a good friend and keep her secrets and problems to myself like I would want a friend to do for me. But on the other hand, I need to think of this baby and its wellbeing first. Im so confused and scared. She says that they finally talked everything out and decided to not be together (thank the Lord!) and he packed all his things up. This was yesterday. And then today I was outside with my kids while they played and I seen him standing in her doorway in his night cloths looking out the door.That makes me think that he is still living there and she just wanted to make me think otherwise cause of the worrying Ive been doing. What to do what to do.

Friday, June 28, 2013

sorry I've been gone so long!!

I'm sorry I've been gone for so long!! My daughter broke, or I thought broke, my laptop. I had to go and get a new keyboard that youi plug into a usb port cause she messed it up to the point that I only had like eight or nine keys that worked. A friend of myne, Travis, who is quite the tech-savy little fucker (lol) told me bout getting the keyboard. So thanks to Travis, I can get back to you guys, and that has been on my mind everyday since my lil laptop broke!
Well anyways, how's everyone been doing? I've been doing well. Working on bettering myself. I really wanna get into some yoga classes or maybe even a couple pilates classes. When I told my mother about wanting to get into yoga, she told me that she thought it was a great idea and that if I liked the idea of it, then I should persue it. My husband, on the other hand, thought it a bad idea. He told me that he thought that I wouldnt stick with it, that I would only go to a few classes then give up. Now that kinda hurt! Broke my fucking heart that he doesnt believe in me. Then not long after this little episode, like 2 or 3 weeks later, he did an even worse little fuck up. We were walking in a store, me and my hubby and the 2 kiddos. I seen this girl that looked a bit like me but she was like 40 pounds heavier. So, trying to fish a small compliment outta my man, I asked him if I was as big as her. He looked right in my eyes and said," Getting close there baby.", and patted my ass! I was so mad. I've always been very comfortable in my own skin, so it didnt like crush me or anything. It really hurt my feeling for the fact that he had that little concern for me and my feelings. It did make me not want him to see me naked. I also didnt want to ''be'' with him for like 3, close to 4 months, which is not us at all. We find ourselves ''being together'' at least 2 to 3 times a week, so this really hurt him that I didnt give two shits to do anything for sooo long. One day he tryed me about a month and half in and when I denied him, he broke down and asked me what the deal was and all that sappy shit like am I still sexually attracted to him and all that good stuff. I just flat out told him that it stemmed off him saying that shit bout me being almost as fat as that chick that was at least 220 if not alittle more. I mean there is nothing wrong with a girl being big, Lord knows I aint exactly the perfect size. Im a bit fat myself, but that fucker didnt have to say so!!
Oh well, let me stop rambling. You guys dont wanna hear bout my marriage and me bitching about it. lmfao! but Im glad to be back and I will definitely have yoiu guys something half ass interesting to read tomorrow or the day after that!!
Love you guys and stay cool!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

piercing gone wrong!!

Alright guys, here's a tiny horror story for you that happened to me!!! lol.
About 2 n half weeks ago, I got my tragea peirced. Im gonna explain where it is incase im spelling it wrong or you dont know where that spot is. You know you got ur whole ear to pierce, from the lobe all the way up to the tip of the cartilage, but on the other side of ur ear hole, right where u would put ur finger in your ear, you have this tiny little piece of like cartilage or grissle. Thats what I got peirced. It looks like it would hurt soooo bad, but it really didnt. Getting my tongue pierced hurt a bit more than that one did. But anyways, Igot it pierced by a guy that I have known for years and years! I met him when I was first prego wit my daughter who is now 5, so I trusted him to do a great job, and he did! He put it back far enough like I wanted so that it wont get ripped out by a kid or like a hair brush or something. He did it fast, and he even swelled my head up by telling all his friends in there after we were done that I took it like a man! He told me to only use alcohol to clean it, seeing that it was in the spot it was in, that would be the best thing and would heal it 10x's faster! So the first few days it was great! It wasnt sore, I could twist it around when goobers would be all like "ouch that had to be soo bad to pierce!!". I could even sleep on it from the first night!! But slowly, after the first 4 to 5 days, it started getting more and more sore and tender. after 2 weeks I couldnt hardly touch it and there was alot of crusty shit! Finnaly, yesterday ing, I woke up late (round 9:30 is super late for a mom! lol) and it was so painful and crusted over that I went straight to clean it b4 I even went outside for my morning smoke. Before i started to clean it, I noticed how swollen it was and for some reason I grabbed it a squeezed it. Out came this milky pus wit a small touch of light green and it was really sticky like elmers glue almost dry or something, I was so freaked out, I jumped straight in the shower and stayed in there for like 25 mins cleaning it and washed my hair 2x's just incase the stuff had like leaked out into my hair over night! I was horrifide. I was gonna take it straight out and try again in a few months, but this feeling came over me that I really shouldnt take it out. So by the time I finished washing, getting dressed, and cleaning my ear with alcohol extra good again, it was after 10 am. I figured on a saturday morning, there had to be at least 1 or 2 tattoo shops with somebody there already, and lone and behold, after googling around, I called and got someone on the ohine at a high end tattoo shop the next town over in Madison. A place called No Regrets. I explained what was happening and gave her the story behind it, and she said that alcohol was the worst thing that u could have possibly put on there and told me that the alcohol was making scar tissue form around the hole and that leaving it in was really smart that I had did that, cause if it had closed b4 I got the infection out then i might have had to go to the hospital and alot worse could have happened! Then she was telling me some other stuff and the phone line just cut us off. I couldnt even get out on my landline cause of their phone messing up. So since I still had the pc screen on tat shops in Huntsville, this one kinda stuck out at me and I called it. It was called "The Tattooed Lady". This girl named Sky answered and I explained all over again what was going on and told her that I had talked to the othe shop and got cut off. This chick was so cool about the whole situation!! She told me to not use anymoe alcohol, leave the piercing in, and as soon as my man got home and I had a ride to the shop, to please come down and let them check it out and they would try theyre best to help me! I asked her how much cash I need to take with me and she said that it was free of charge, that they just wasted to help me out! I thought that that was so cool and jst professional as hell!! She treated me, even just on the phone, with such kindness and real sincere want to just help out!!!
My car is messed up (zanax and driving to the gas station up the street dont mix! LMAO!) so I am having to share cars wit my husband. So 2 hours later when he got off work, I went over and got my moma just incase these people were all like "go straight to the ER!!". I was nervous as hell! Then me and her headed down south pway right beside Firehouse Antiques, down south about a quarter mile from weatherly road to the tattoo shop. When I got there, I met Sky, beautiful chick with LONG blonde hair and a really small petite frame. She remembered me right off and said she had been waiting on me. As soon as she seen this piercing, she was speechless. She asked me to wait just a min and she went and got this guy that looked to me like he was the owner, but I dont no. He looked at it and immediately started telling me what to to! I can save the piercing! He said that the infection from the alcohol on this deep piercing was really bad, but he said that he could tell that I had been trying my best to take good care of it, so that made me feel great! He said that I would need to go to like walmart or CVS....somewhere like that. I needed bactine to use 3 to 5x's a day, no more. And wash it 2x's a day with soap and water like I was already doing. But 4the first few days, I need wound wash, like that shit you use on old people to clean their bed sores and on kids to clean out DEEP booboos! That is terrible that my piercing got that bad and that infected after I took such good good care of it all over someone not knowing what to tell a customer to use to clean and care for their piercing or whatever they had done there! You no,if you get a tattoo done and the aftercare isnt maintained properly, the tattoo will heal, but it will look really bad, no matter how bad or wonderful it looked at first!! And with a piercing in the spot I got it done, if I wasnt cleaning it good, I couldve eventually had to get that piece of cartilage cut off!! I took care of it really well, and just with the wrong thing, I could have lost that small part of my ear anyways!
 Those people at the tattoo shop, The Tattooed Lady, they told me that some of the irratation (spelled wrong!) could be just some cheap jewelry. They said its not really s big deal with most people, expecially since everyone takes out theyre piercing jewelry and gets something else soon as possible! But when I told him that I was allergic to cheap jewelry, and that I get really bad rashes from fake jewelry, he told me that he would be more than happy to put a high grade piece of jewelry in it so that it would help it heal that much better. I gotta wait a week or a week n half, til this gross infection is healed up, then he will run the good jewelry in thru there and he is only gonna charge me $5. He said he just wants me to have a good experience with my piercing and make sure it heals right so it will look really cool! Those are some really cool people! God Bless that the phone got disconnected and I found them!!! I think I am just gonna use them from now on for my tats and any piercings I ever decide to do. I got two tats that I need to get fixed up. One of them is a butterfly that looks like its made out of dots! lmao! Almost looks like I been in prison or something, cause it looks like a prison tattoo. I got the butterfly for my moma, and I want it to look good! The other one was supposed to be a sun and its on my foot. I got it like 4 yrs ago, I paid the guy in zanax and the dumbass took the 4 bars b4 he started the tattoo! He started with yellow, didnt do no black outline, which I thought was stupid at the time, but now that I am having to get it redone, Im proud that theres no black in it! That will make it easier to to fix. Right now its just a yellow line wit a couple little touches of orange. It would have been one ugly ass tattoo if I woulda let him finish! But when I seen just how terrible the tat was looking when he was doing it, I started pretending that it was hurting me really bad so I could stop the tat without hurting his feelings! LOL! I cryed out and hollered like a bitch! Ol Joey Rodriquez is the one that did it. I dont no if he can do tats when he is straight, but on 4 bars, he will will do some UGLY ASS WORK!! It looks like I got puss under the skin in a lil spot on my right foot. You dont really notice it too bad though, thank goodness!! But then I got one Tattoo that I need to get completely covered up!! I always wanted to get a 1940's pinup girl on my left thigh. But my cousin does real good work and I was drunk as Cooter Brown and let my cousin put my husband's nickname on my thigh. Everybody calls him Shorty, hell thats all I ever called him, but "Doowap" is my little pet name for him, and that is what I put om my thigh, "Doowap". My hubby thought it was so sweet at first, but that lasted bout a min n half! Now he makes jokes bout it!!! He will say stupid shit bout, "eww gross, u got doowap on ur leg!!" like I got nutt on my leg!! He even says it in front of people. So I am getting it covered up b4 I get any other tats! I am gonna try to see of the guys down at The Tattooed Lady can cover t up with some sort of pin up and use her hair as the part of tat that covers up the other tattoo!!! That would be neat.
I want alot of tattoos,I even wanna get my nipples pierced. But I just aint into piercings since I have grownup. I had a toungie ring for like 12 years. I took it out cause my front teeth got bad for awhile. Now I feel like I am too old for it, even though Im just 28, it really does seem to young for me! But when it comes to tats, I think they r timeless!!  Once I get those fixed that I told you about, I got soo sooo many ideas!!! I already told u guys bout the ones I wanna add to my wrist tats of my kids names. A purple butterfly above my girl's name and a superman imblem above my son's name. From there, I got losts of ideas!
Well guys, time for me to go. Time for some icecream!!!
until next time!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

my mom's day in disability court

My moma had to go to her disability hearing this morning.She had to be there at 9:15 am, in Cullman,AL. Thats like almost an hour away from where I live. So me and my husband planned to get up at 6am instead of him getting up at 6:30 and me getting up at 7am with the kids, that way I could get a shower in and help get the kids dressed as much as possible b4 I I had to leave. But I never set an alarm clock and my husband forgot to wake me up until my usual 7am wakeup call, lol. But we got there in time!!! The hearing started at 9:15 am, but the lawyer wanted my moma to be there at 8:30 am, and we probably woulda been if I woulda listened to her and stopped and asked instead of just following mapquest when I dodnt follow or write down exactly how far I had to go on one road to another!!!! But we got there at at 9 am. We were supposed to be there so much earlier because of the fact that my mom's lawyer and his assistant sucked ass! The assisant girl never got any of my mother's medical records, unless it was the ones that were just out there o the internet in a collection agency, which I didnt know was public record at that point! Then the chick was supposed to put off the hearing for like two months and she waited until monday, and the hearing is wendsday, to try to call and put it off. And like any adult knows, the people at the social security office arent gonna take the word of a little young girl on the phone telling any of these folks in these offices that she needs to take this certain case and put it off for a few months. They never even accepted this little assistant's word! After she put it off 2 days b4 we were all to be there, the hearing was still on! That was so unprofestional of the lawyaer and his litle babygirl assistant! As a matter of fact, the stupid lawyer wasnt even at the hearing and never had planned to be. But you know what, that worked out for the best for us in the end, cause this guy that they sent was excellent and just so happens, me and my moma think that the judge had a little tiny crush on the lawyer that she had with her. He got the case put off until the lawyer's people were able to do what they needed to do to get moma ready for her real hearing the next time!! She has to do two different doctors appts and she also has to get her medical records from the huntsville hospital. But I do believe that after just that little bit of stuff, then we will be able to get another hearing date and hopefully get her disability started cause she really deserves it!! She needs to be able to get on her own two feet and have her own place and maybe even get herself a car. Even if she cant get a car, she can damn sure get herself an apt!! Then she will be calm and be able to decorate it and go back to her normal self instead of living with my grandma which is bout to kill her, definately put her in the hospital afew more times. I just want the best for my moma!! A huge thanks to her new lil lawyer, Chris Burbank!! Youre a great lawyer and my family really appreciates you and everythig you have done for us and continue to do for us everyday!!
Well guys, I gotta go!! My hhusband is on a war path and if I am sitting here bloggong when he gets home, thats just gonna give him something else to pms bitch about!!! lmmfao!!! bye guys!!! and wish my moma luck!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Im just saying


Fun Easter 2013

Easter is always fun with my crazy, silly, fun as hell family!!! This yearn was just as fun if not more so. It was raining. We have always planned the egg hunt for right around 1pm, but it was pouring at 1pm. If anyone reading this in the same city as me, then you know how weird the weather was on easter!! It would rain just alittle for 10 minutes, then it wouldn't rain at all for like 20 or 30 minutes, then it would pour down raining for like an hour or so!! So I finally got tired of waiting and I was so so upset for my kids that they were having to wait, so I started trying to think up something we could do for our little ones and somewhere we could take them!! Mommy (me of course!!) had a brilliant idea to take the family to the shuttle bus depot and since it was a Sunday and the bus system is shutdown on a Sunday, expecially a holiday, this would be a great place! Its a really long, outdoor, covered so you cant get rained on, and lots of little hiding spots so we could have a great time and not get wet!! So we got the kids and the eggs and loaded u in Daddy's truck and went to easter egg hunt!! When we got there, I got my hubby to drop me off and go down to the next block and chill in the truck for a few minutes so I could hide the eggs and no little eyes could or would see and cheat on the egg hunt! So they dropped me off and parked at the dog and skate park a block down. It didnt take me too long, then I called and got everyone in the same place. I got them out the truck, and just to torture them, I got them out and made them stay still and let me take like 3 or 4 pics of them b4 they could hunt! Im so mean!!! heeheehee!! But then, after some pics, Daddy counted to three, and they cut out like 2 little bats outta hell! Its was just as much fun as it would be if we weren't at a bus depot! lmao. But there was no way in hell that my little lovebugs weren't gonna easter egg hunt. They know that mommy and daddy will come threw with something no matter what!!! This time it was mommy and I felt like the damn supermom that saved the day when I came up with that idea so we could save Easter!! Mommy is the shit!! Mommy is the shit!! But forreal though, we had a great Easter!! I never cook a big sunday dinner with ham and all the fixins like most folks do, and I dont ever wanna start doing it, even though I know that Im supposed to so that the kids have that as part of the Eater traditions. I just aint never done it and I sure dont wanna have to start cooking for yet another holiday!! Im already cooking for 3 holidays, just me, no help from anyone except that my sweet husband, Shorty, does the turkey for Thanksgiving. I thank him for that and I appreciate the hell out of him cause of it! But I am stuck doing everything else on that holiday, and all of everthing or the other holidays, granted that the 4th of July is so super easy!! Its really just grilling burgers, hotdogs and sausages, then I just make a few sides. But the sides I make are really easy and the desserts I make are easy and super fucking fun!! But anyways, I gotta start cooking a feast for Easter too!! 
Back to what I was saying from jumpstreet, Easter was really fun and the kids had a great time! After they did they're big hut, we did what we do every year, they hid the eggs for us to find! We have always done this, and out of all the holidays and all our traditions, this one has got to be by far my favourite of all the traditions we have!! lol.
Well guys I got live 30 to 40 minutes b4 I gotta go get my babies from school, so I need to pick up alittle bit so my son wont bitch at me!! I swear that boy is more like having an extra husband sometimes!! lmbo. But no matter how aggravating it is most of the time, it keeps the house picked up. I love my babies.
Talk to you guys later on or probably tomorrow. byebye......

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

just a lil bit bout my babies

Ok, I named this blog "Southern Moma" but I barely talk bout my lil ones! So I have decided to dedicate this to my two lil sweet ones. My son is Jacob and he is 7 years old. my daughter is Lindsey and she just turned 5 years old at the end of Febuary, but noone ever calls her Lindsey, everybody calls her NewNew!
Well, let me start of telling you about my daughter first. Lindsey got her lil nickname as she has grown. I named her after my mother, her name is Linda, LindA LindSEY, I thought it was a nice little way to honor my mother. Anyways, everyone in our family always called my mom Linda Lou, so when Lindsey was a newborn some of my family started calling her Lindsey Lou. Almost everyone started calling her Lou Lou. Then when she got old enough to talk she couldn't say Lou Lou, so she would say her name was NewNew when people would ask her what her name was. My son started calling her NewNew also, and it just stuck!!!
NewNew is a great girl. She's very loving and is very calm and thoughtful. She always thinks of others and she is never been a stingy girl! She's really girly, likes anything pink or princess like! She is really danety and such a little lady. She doesn't play rough and loves to hold little babies! She's really thughtful, she thinks of others, expecially her brother. She is very loving and super protective of her brother. The one and only time I ever seen her get violent on someone outside the family(lol) was when this little boy across from our apartment punched my son. My boy couldnt hit him back cause the boy was only 4 yrs old like my lil girl was at the time. So he came inside, mad as a snake and crying too. As he was telling me about it, I noticed NewNew ging outside. She came right back in. As she was coming in, you could hear a kid crying LOUD! She had walked outside and pushed that little boy that punched my son, she pushed him right off the porch and he skinned his elbow. She came inside smiling and told her brother what she did. I heard her from the kitchen where I was gettting the first aid box and cotton balls. I got onto her and tld her that it was wrong and that two wrongs dont make a right, but really I was so proud of my babygirl for sticking up for her big brother like he always does for her! But other than that one time, she is never ever been the type of little lady to hit! She is spoiled rotten though! Between her daddy and brother, she is rotten! They really have made a lil spoiled monster. She always knows that she will get what she wants. Her whole little room is pink and decorated with her artwork. She really is great at her artwork, she even won a contest at her school. She's in preschool and she beat out all the kids in her grade and kindergarten and 1st grade too! She's good! She also loves to dance. She has some rhythem too, my lil princess can dance her cute little butt off!! She gets it from her daddy, our son has my dancing abilities, but I am so glad our daughter has their dad's talents. She is a beautiful girl, and she is gonna grow up to be an amazing looking woman with an even more amazing heart! She is the most loving and cuddling little girl I ever met, but then again I never met anyother little girls! lol. Right now she wants to be a ballet teacher, a ballet race car driver, a princess, and to take care of cats when she grows up, but whatever she decides to be by the time she is ready for college is fine by me!! She has the best personality. I love her very much, she is my best friend, and she is so funny! She keeps me laughing all the time. NewNew loves music and her favorite is country music. She loves to dress herself, and I hate to have to tell you, but she has a horrible taste in clothes!! lol. Bless her little heart, but she cant dress herself good to save her life! hahahahaha!
OkOkOk,I talked bout my lil girl enough. Now let me brag on my son too! lol.
Jacob is 7 years old and all boy! He is in the 1st grade and he is a great student! He's the teacher's pet this year too! I kinda love it cause I was never ever ever a teacher's pet!! In fact, most of the teachers acted like I got on their nerves, and most of them seemed to just flat out hate me! lol! But he really is all boy. He had a fourwheeler, but we couldn't stoore it at our apt, so we stored it at my husband's boss's house in his storage shed, and his crackhead grandson has to be the one that stole it! We have yet to tell Jake about it, I dont see any reason to hurt him if we dont have to! We gonna wait until we are right on the line and have to say it to him! But anyways, he is a great student, so much so that he will more than likely get a scholarship to one of the magnet middle schools like I did!! But unlike my mother, I am gonna make sure that no matter what, if he gets in one of thse great schools, he is definately gonna stay in the school! He is so damn smart, he blows my mind all the time! The other day he came in and read an entire book (children's book) to me in almost the same amount of time it would take an adult, and not 2 months ago he couldn't have done that!! He is such a fast learner and enjoys it also, which is something that really counts that he enjoys to learn. And he is so good hearted. He loves t make me laugh and he really enoys cuddling with me, just as long as his lil friends dont see! lmao! He is really over-protective of his sister. He doesnt like her doing those booty popping dances. He overheard me getting onto her about it this nasty dancing, and sure enough, the next time he caught her doing it, he whooped her butt all the way home!! It was so funny, but also it made me proud to know that he will always take great care of his baby sister! He takes care of everybody like that. He always tryes to make sure his daddy ate enough, he watches after his little sister like a hawk, and he is my very best friend! He is always there to make me smile and laugh, t hld my hand when Im scared, and to wipe my tears when I cry! He really is the sweetest boy in the world, and I am so lucky to even know him much less to be his mom. He's one of those boys that are gonna grow up into a man that takes great care of his own little family, a long long long long time from now!! lol. He is really into video games right now. Its a cross between video games and beyblades. He really enjoys those avenger super heroes, and he gets his feelings hurt super easy!! He is very sweet around us (his really close family) but he is hard as stone around his lil homies! He is super tight with his dad, but he gets really close to me when he's feeling cuddly and loving. He is really independent and wants to do so much on his own now. In a way I love it, Its great to know that he will always be able to take care of himself and his little sister to if he has to. But alo I kinda hate it! I dont want him to be so independent!! I want his to always need me for the big and small things! I want him to want to be independent but really just need me more. He really is such a sweet boy with a great heart and a wonderful way with words. As long as he takes my advise in life, he will be able to make a great living with his words. He can talk just about anybody into anything!!
Well, there's just a little bit about my babies. They are the best two kids that the good Lord coulda gave to my life!! They are both my very best friends and I could never live without them! They are my heart and soul and they are both my everything. I wouldnt know what to do without them in my life, I cant remember life before those two came into my life!I love my children so much and I love my husband for giving them to me!!
Well, that was my little ode to Jake and NewNew!! lol. I love my two little pride and joys. I love them both the same but also in diferent ways. If that doesntmake since, oh well, Its not for you, Its for me!!
Thanks for reading my little "who are they" of my babies! Im so glad you read it and I really hope you enjoyed it!!!
Until next time guys.....................

Sunday, March 24, 2013

questionably religious

I found religion by myself at a young age. Well, my uncle was a huge help!!! But my family, parents and all, believed in God and a higher power, but they never went to church or practiced any form of religion. My moma said that we are Presbytarian, but I was never explained what exactly that was. As I got older, I found my own way of praticing religion and what I thought I believed and didnt believe. I know that I am some form of Christian. I know that I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I know that I believe in the Holy Bible, but I feel that it isnt supposed to be taken literally, but in more of a way to learn and to feel the Spirit. I dont know that I believe in angels or not, but I do believe that our relatives that have passed are watching over us and helping us out here and there. I have had some really great experiences with the Lord and Jesus Christ. I was baptised at the age of 17 yrs old. I made the decision on my own to be baptized. This was the best feeing ever in my life, even up there before the feeling of seeing my children be born healthy and placed into my arms, another one of the Lord's many blessings. But that feeling of being baptised was one of which there is no words to say, no words could ever be good enough or in anyway explain the beauty of it at all! When I was in that water with that preacher and he was saying words over me, I didnt understand the words, but I could like hear another voice instead telling me that I was now being born to the Father. Right before that preacher dunked me into that holy water of God, I took a deep breath in, then he dunked me into the water and I came up,but whenI came up from that water I had to breathe in again. It was like the first breath I had ever taken. When I came up, I should've exhaled because of the fact that I inhaled right before going under. But no!!! I had no air on me at all. So much so that I gasped for air when reached the top! Then for hours after that, I had this wonderful feeling all over my whole body and I had this natural high. I was, in my opinion, feeling the Holy Spirit. The Spirit and the love of Jesus Christ and our Father! I believe that that feeling is a gift that is given to us to help us to believe and to reward us for doing good. That wonderful feeling and all the miracles and prayer we all feel is what I want the world to know and feel for themselves.
Well, my pc is doing something really weird and I am sick and tired of trying to fix it!!  So until
next time everyone................I love you guys and wish my luck that I will fix the formatting on my pc!! And I had to leave out quite a bit of my thoughts on this subject, so we are just gonna be continued!  Pray I fix this format  so that I can enjoy blogging. So again I say,
To Be Continued!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Monday, March 18, 2013

Saturday wit the Kids

I really enjoy spending time with my family on the weekends. We cant always do it, but whe we can, we really have fun. My hubby didnt wanna go, which is so not normal!! But we had fun anyways!
It all started last night!! My daughter, who is 5 yrs old, had a birthday party sleepover to go to, and my hubby and my son went bowling. They originally planned to go to a putput golf place, but all three places that they know of were closed last night, so they decided on bowling. And my 7 yr old so whipped my husband's butt!! I stayed home and enjoyed myself just chilling out and watching some tv for awhile, had me some much needed mommytime!!! But I wont lie to you, the boys stayed out til 10 pm and I fell aleeep at 9pm! But oh well, It was funwhile it lasted!!!
Then, this morning, my son woke me up bout 6:30 am wanting some shorts. Then my man and my son rode to go handle some business. They got back bout 10:30am, then he dropped y son off here to me and went to go meet up with Teyaka, a girl I used to work with. After he seen her, he finally went and got my daughter!! The sleepover was supposed to b from 5pm on friday til 1pm on Saturday. Then the birthday party started at 1pm and ended at 3pm. Hell no!! I got her daddy to go pick her up bout 11am. We all just hung out for a while til it was bout an hour til the party. Then I jumped in the shower and me and my lil girl went  to walgreens to pick out a Monster High Doll. I bought a really nice bag to put it in, a really cute bow, and some tissue paper that I already had. Once me and my lil girl got back to the house and I fixed her hair n washed off her face n hands, she was like 15 minsw late for the party. My hubby took her and I washed dishes. My son hung out at the house and played with his best friend. while my lil girl n hubby were gone to the bday party, me, my son, n his friend Joe rode a friend of ours to go check out my cousin's jeep that she's trying to sell. I left b4 they made the final decisions so I could take the boys to the skate park, but from what I heardlater on, he didnt buy it! It ait really worth more than like $350 or $400 tops!! But it aint my business though right!?!
But ayways, that was the most unimportant part of my day!!!!
After we dropped Man off with Amanda to get that jeep, I took My son and his best friend to the skate park to check it out. My son had already seen it for like 20 mins the other day, but he really wanted to show his bestfriend the skate park. They ran around in the little figure eight bowl for like ten mins and then they watched these cool guys do some really badass tricks just for my boys! I thought that was really nice of them to do that!!! Then after I seen everything there was to see at the skate park and the boys got abit restless and started wanting to run around and coulda got hurt by a flyig skateboard of skateboarder, i got them into the car and asked them if they wanted to go wald around on the courthouse square to show them alittle bit of history, which is by the way my favorite thing in the world 'history', ad they were both down to do it! So, when we got down there, the boys had no interest in the square, they wanted to walk down the stairs to the fish pond and park and run around and play! So what the hell!?! We took off to run and play! But when we got down there, we noticed all these teenagers all dressed up for prom! So the first thing that came to all 3 of our minds, my lil girl!!! I called her daddy and asked her if the birthday party was over with yet so that he could bring her to me so that she could hang out with us and check out all these gorgeous prom dresses! Just so happens, he had just picked her up fro the party and they were on the way home, so I asked him if he would run by and grab a loaf of bread and bring me my daughter!! When she finally got there, we spennt like 30 to 45 mins looking at dresses! Even Jake's lil friend got into it big time like us girls! And my son, bless his lil heart, tryed like hell to get into looking at the dresses, but he's great at entertaining himself for at least 20 to 30 mins as long as I have a good reason for ignoring him!! The good Lord blessed me with two of the best kids in the world!!!! After looking at ever dress we could possibly run into to, I started to take the kids over to feed  the ducks and fish, but on the way,my lil girl found a beautiful pink dress on this really pretty girl and had a fit over the dress!! She is a really shy lil girl, but all that shyness went right out the window when she seen this dress and the girl in it!! lmbo!! She walked right over to her and told her she loved her dress and thought that she was so pretty. The lil chick in the prom dress thanked my lil girl and told her that she made her feel so pretty for the prom night!! Then she asked my daughter n me if she could pick her up and let her mom could take a picture of the two of them so that she could brag to people that a lil girl thought she was so pretty that she wanted her to hold her!! lmbo!!! I even took a couple shots of the two of them! That was a really sweet girl and she made my daughter's day with that that she did!! Whoever you are chick, I hope you read y posts and comment on here ad tell me your name so I can friend you on fb and tell everyone just how sweet and conciderate that you really r!! Im gonna try like hell to download one of the pics of the two girls and post it to my blog, probably not this one, put I will do my very damned best to get the pic on here. But anyhow, after we did our little mini fashion walk wit two boys in tow(lmao), we wet to feed to the fish. I thought my husband would have sent one of the 2 n half loaves we have, a whole loaf u know! But nope, he sent a bread bag wit five pieces of bread!!! That really upset me cause it cut our time short and i didnt wanna leave to buy bread and come back, that would have been way too much trouble for me and the kids were already getting tired and a bit cranky! But that was my Friday evening and my Saturday, almost all day Saturday. The rest of the kids Saturday was spent playig their lil butts off wit there lil friends, that was manly my son's evening, my daughter spent the rest of her evenig chilling on the couch watching the television like an old lady!!! But we all had a great tie and I an=, so glad that my son's best friend came along with us, that way my boy had even more fun ad didnt feel left out while me and my lil girl strolled around for almost an hour checking out dresses! lol.......I had a wonderful time with my babies!!! and mr. Joe too!!! Wonderful Saturday!!!!
Well guys, I gotta go!!! Gotta do a little cleaning b4 I go get my litte one in 30 mins!!  I also gotta admit.....Hello, my name is Ashley, and I a a blogger addict!!! lmmfao!!!
Oh and by the way, for got to tell you guys the gossip!! My neibor told me that she was gonna be the girls I was supposed to throw the shower for's ride to her baby shower!!!!!! Thats so fucking ea! Not only did she just completely diss me and the shower I was gonna throw her, but now me and my lil girl aint even invited!!!!!
Until Next Time My Besties!!!!!!....................Love Ya,Mea It!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

here's my blog bout the organizing stuff

I keep promising that I'm gonna post something bout the organizing things that I was beginning to get interested in. I looked and looked for things that were cool enough to blog about, things that you guys would be interested in reading about and possibly get interested in yourselves. But the truth of it is that there is nothing, I mean NOTHING interesting about almost any of the organizing stuff!! Its all either the things that we all have seen at any walmart or other stores like walmart! Or you can get some really cool organizing things that would interest you, but its furniture with either little hiding places or with lots of cabinets and neat drawers. And stuff like that is gonna cost you a pretty penny! If you are willing to go the extra mile and spend alot, then there are lots and lots of great sites you can go to, sorry that I didn't post any links, but if you google any key words like: unique furniture, organizing furniture, organize, odd furniture, etc......! I admit, I ran across quite afew things that would make you wanna skip a couple bills or give yourself bad credit just to get it, but these items are costly, neat as hel but costly!
So sorry that I wasnt able to post this big great blog with all kinds of great ideas, hints, and info, but there just isnt enough stuff to write about. There's nothing interesting about plastic bins and shoe racks, closet organizers, or bathroom and shower organizers. The whole subject is pretty boring, though I thought it woud be really cool to write about and even more so to read about! Oh well, thats why I dont get paid for thinking! lol.
I got my hair cut yesterday. Me and the girl that cut my hair had made plans for her to be at my house at around 7:45 or 8 am. I called her at 7:30 and didnt get an answer, so I went ahead and took my lil girl to school to school too along with her brother. Then, like 5 minutes after my husband and the kids left for school, my friend Angie (the girl that cuts hair) called and said she was about to pull in my apartments. I paid her for me and my daughter since I didnt have change, so we decided that after she did myne, we would go check my daughter out of preschool for less than an hour. Its no big deal to check them out of preschool cause for one, she has only missed 2 days thru the whole school year, and second....she's in preschool, they dont even make you go to the office to check them in or out. So I called right after Angie finished my hair and the other teacher called. She's not a student teacher, they just have 2 teachers in each class in all the younger classes. But anyhow, I called and the other teacher answered and I explained to her that I was taking her to get her hair cut, then I woud be bringing her right back to school. She said that that would be fine and it actually was the perfect time to do it cause they were taking a class pic at the time I was on the phone and they would be finished by the tie I got there, the they where gonna color a picture or two and then go to lunch, and after that they where going outside to play. I got her there right as they were coming back from lunch, right b4  recess!! Perfect timing!! The teacher told me she thought so too! So I said bye to my lil girl and headed out the school, but as I was leaving, the head teacher over her preschool class stopped me and informed me that it was so so irresponsible of me to check her out for an hour and a half just to get her hair done. She said that I a teaching her really bad examples for life. I kinda lost it on this bitch, but in a ladylike way!!! lmfao!! I told her that not only had I already okayed it with the other teacher in the class, It is only preschool and all she really missed was coloring 2 pictures and to be honest with eachother as adults the colorig was just to keep the kids quiet! I told her that it was not her business how I raised my kids, but just the week b4 she was telling me how great my kids were!! And she said that Im teaching my daughter bad examples by letting her leave school for an hour for a hair appointment. For one, she has only missed 2 days all year and is the smartest kid in the class, and that shit came straight out the mouth of the teacher. She's just hating on my baby cause she needs her roots done really bad!!!! But as far as my baby is concerned, you dont throw low blows unless you can get down and argue ur point like an adult!! I got my point across and left this rude bitch speechless. That helped me make up my mind about next year!!! She's gonna be going to her brother's school, like I wanted to begin with!! Some people just arent made to be working with small kids, the kinda chicks that r hateful to the kids on days when they feel bad themselves! hicks like that should work in different career fields!
When guys...........until next time.............byebye 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

WOW!!! this really sucks butts really really bad

I spent like almost 2 hours writing this blog that was bout my hair cut, my daughter's hair cut, and the arguemet I got into with her teacher. Somehow, without trying ofcourse, I erased the whole damn thing!!!!! I dont have time to write again right now, but I really wanna tell the story to you guys!! So later on this evening, after we all finish homework and baths, I am gonna rewrite the story. So util then..................Love ya, mean it!!!

Just My Rantings and Ravings

I no that I usually blog bout nice things and even some goofy things sometimes, but its my blog and I can bitch if I wanna!!! lmao!
But anyways, this girl that I have known since our boys were newborns, well my boy is like 5 months older than hers. But whatever, we known eachother long time. And now we live in the same apartment complex now. She's like 6 n half months pregnant, and when she first found out that she was having a baby, I offered to be the one to throw her a baby shower and pay for most all of it! I havent seen her in bout 2 weeks but we ran into eachother at a mutual friend's house and she acted as though she wasnt even gonna speak, so I spoke first! I asked her if she was really excited bout the baby shower and her response to that was, "Its really hard to pretend to be excited bout something that you know aint gonna happen!". I tryed to act like that didnt tear right thru me and like an idiot, I asked her aother question. I asked," So, how many people you planning to have there so I no if I need to buy more invitations or not. She again said almost the same damn thing!!! But instead of getting myself mad and yelling and getting myself upset and even gettig the pregnant girl all upset and my kids, n friend"s(the one that aint pregant) kids upset, I just let it go and walked out the house and into myne!!!
I had bought this chick a really nice set of invitations. The first set that we had were free, hell we had found them in the glove box. So when it came right down to getting some invitations for her shower, I wanted really nice ones that would be prefect for a girl. So I went to Hallmark in the mall and bought these really nice ones that were polka-dotted with black background and hot pink and even had a spot that like faded out from the polka-dots to just black with pink writing that said "A baby girl is on the way!". I thought it was precious. And we was supposed to go yesterday an an pick out the cake she wanted. Then all that would be left would be to get the decorations and and soe stuff for the games to play, then we woulda been ready for the party!!! But fuck a party now!
I never bought the cake, so I aint gotta worry bout that, but I am taking back the invitations and the baby bassinett I bought! I bought her a bassinett as a surprise for the shower. It is so beautiful!! Its white lace and baby pink ribbons. Its the one that I wanted to get my daughter, but at that time it costed a whole lot more. Its on sale now from what it was 5 years ago! But I be damned if I will spend a dime on somebody that not only thinks I was just lieing bout throwing a shower but talked shit bout it to other folks and even to me! So I guess I just give up, as bad as I hate to! My little girl has been looking forward to this shower for weeks and weeks now! But I can make it up to my girl, and she will forget all bout it. But as far as ol girl is concerned, she can kiss my ass!!! Cause she really really really hurt my feelings!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

what a day, what a day

I have had quite a day today! I got up before the kids so that I could have some nice, much needed, quality time with my hubby. But instead of this great "Donna Reed" wife thing that I had planned th do this am, with me making him a big breakfast and picking out his clothes for him, it ended up with him watching the news while I layed absolutely still while smoking 2 cigarettes before I woud even move to do anything! lol. I never did make him breakfast either. But just so everyone knows, I did take him lunch and am planning a really nice little dinner! But anyhow.......Im rambling! The kids got up right before the hubby was getting ready to leave for work. Thats always great cause they love their daddy so much!! Someties I think that he is the kids favorite forreal! All three of them say that the kids love me and him the same so my feelings wont get hurt, but theyre not gonna get hurt at all just cause they like their daddy more, Im just extatic that my babies have such a great dad that they can say the like hanging with him the most. Most kids dont have a dad to like or not like, hell they dont really even no what a dad really is. So go right ahead and say he is both of yalls favorite, Im just glad they have a daddy to be able to like more!! God and Jesus really blessed me and my man by helping us find eachother when we did!! We r definately soulmates!!  Rambling again!! sorry.
But after my man left for work, I made my lil ones some breakfast. Cereal for my son and eggs for my lil girl. then I cleaned all day off and on. Im tired as heck already now and I still gotta finish hanging out this lil half a load of clothes, then bring them all in, then all I have left to do is make dinner and bathe my kids.
I went and picked my moma u from the hospital this afternoon. She was in a a kinda bad mood when i got to the hosital to pick her up. Then I stopped by my house to get afew bucks to buy my mom and me some smokes. While I was in the store getting the cigarttes, she must have asked my son why he wasnt talkig to her or something, I dont know what exactly was said, but whe I came out of the store, she was all in tears. When I asked her what was wrong, my lil girl answered b4 she had the chance and told me that Moma asked my son why he hadn't spoke to her and her told her that he didnt wanna talk to her and that he dont like having to be around her all the time either! I wish he hadnt said anything to make her cry, but then again, it kinda made me feel like he really does like me the most over my moma. She always made me feel really bad thoughout my son's life, telling me and hinting to me that he loved her more. Then today, he just point blank told her that!! But again, I hate that it made her cry and upset her like it did!
But I really have had a seriously busy day with all the house cleaning, keeping the kids happy and fed all day, and then my hubby called me, mad and yelling, wanting me to drop everthing and bring him some food. I had to calm him down and explain that I was in the middle of washig dishes and as soon as I finished with the dishes and made the food, then me and the babies would head straight over there to him. Then, just as I was almost done making his lunch, thats when my mom called wanting me to pick her up fro the hospital cause they were about to release her. So see, I havent had one second to myself to watch a tv show or play online!! If I wasnt up cleaning, cooking, and taking care of my little ones, then I was running a free taxi and delivery service!! lmao!
But anyways, Im rambling.............Im gonna go for now. Just wanted to bitch and wine bout my bad day to someone, so you guys got to be the "lucky" ones (yeah right!) to hear me fuss ad bitch about it!! Sorry guys!! I guess imma go for now.
Oh yeah, by the way, I started checking out some things bout the organizing things. I got online and looked around. Im gonna go tomorrow and check out afew things at walmart and I was also thinking bout checking out target and even the "bed bath and beyond" and seeing what kida stuff and prices they got going in all those places I promise that there will be a blog up tomorrow for yall. I keep saying Im gonna do it, just talking shit!! lol.. But there will defiately post a blog on that subjust by tomorrow night!!
Love yall guys and Thank you from the bottom of my soul for reading my posts!! Yall making me feel so special and at this point in life, thats exactly what I need!! So big ups to yall and a huge ass than you!!!
Until Next good and byebye!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

dreams are weird, huh!?!

I have always had these weird dreams. I know how weird this may sound, but I have even had dreams that made no since at all and the next day, as the day past by, the dream would make since as the day would go by and the day would lay out. This doesnt happen often, more so when I was pregnant, but it does happen. I had an arrand to run this morning and my radio has been acting up, so I was riding in silence kinda just lost in thought.
I lost my cousin about a month and a half ago, she was almost 2 years older than me. Me, her, and her twqo sisters, we were really close as small kids. As time had passed, they moved away. I moved down where they lived in my teens after my dad got sick. Me and her older sister got really close, for one because my cousin that just passed was, at that time, just married and beginning to start a family. But we always stayed close.
She came to visit close to a month before she passed. I was working 3rd shift  so when she came over I was asleep and my mom was there watching my little girl because she was sick and out of school. I was in the middle of this dream. In this dream, I was at my house and I was the only one there. I started a fire in my daughter's room and walked out, but immedially got scared and came back into her room and put the fire out. I was then all the sudden outside, and had been for a little while. I dont know why, but I needed to go back into her room for something. When I got into her room, I lifted the pillow where I started the fire and it was still blazing, then I looked up and the whole room was in flames!! I was running around the room, trying to find some way out and I remember thinking to myself that I would die if I couldnt get out, and I was really scared! Just as I was like going to the window or something........A loud noise woke me up!!!! It was my cousin. She had came over to see me and my family before she went back home (bout 4 hours away!!). She was laughing I guess and it scared the shit out of me! lol. I dont remember what she said after she laughed, but I was really mean to her and I thru my pillow at her and told her to get out of the room, hell I had JUST woke up. I heard her walk out and I was shaking from the dream cause it really scared me. I layed there feeling really bad for being mean and got up and raced downstairs to see if she was still there. SHE WAS!!! I told her that I was sorry, that I had a bad dream and she scared me. She had brought her husband, two of her daughters, and me and my mom and daughter were here too. She immediatally asked me what the drea was about and I told them. My mom laughed at me cause I remembered it so well, but my cousin took u for me and told me bout how she had lots of nightmares after her trailer burned down, and she could remember alot of them like they were movies she had watched.
A month later my mom called me and told me that she passed away. She died in a house fire. They told us that she was taking some of her anxiety meds and was cooking something on the stove. The .whole house, besides her bedroom and bathroom, was completely gone. But she was in her room, they said it looked as though she had fell asleep on the bed. She died of smoke inhalation, but the fire did get to her alittle. I wasnt able to get down there cause of money issues, but I tryed really hard to get there!! I missed it though.
This morning, when I was riding and off in thought, she came to mind right before I got home. I was thinking about how young her four kids are and out of the blue that dream came to mind. I immedatally called my mom and told her about how the dream came to mind and that it seemed alot like what happened to my cousin. Usually she forgets everything, you can be talking about something you and her did last week and she will be like 'you know what, I really dont even remember being there!'. But she remembered this. Not only did she remember it, she reminded me about how my cousin was telling about her dreams after the trailer fire. I dont know if it meant anything, I kinda doubt it, but it really seems like I somehow knew or something else did. I dont know, but I wish I woulda put all this together before she died, then maybe I could have stopped it or at least she wouldnt have been in there.
This probably makes no since at all, and if it does, it sounds stupid. But I didnt have anyone to share this with. Have you ever had anything weird happe to you? Have you ever seen our heard anything strange or something you knew wasnt right. I have heard things and had the crazy dreams, but thank goodness I have never seen anything!! I dont think I could deal with that at all! And I sure as hell wouldnt ever go back to where ever I had seen something at. I am a scaredy cat and proud of it! lol..
Thanks so much for reading this crazy blog and I wont post anymore weirdo ones, I promise! lol. I said to you guys and a few of my friend that I was gonna start researching about some organizing stuff and some of those little dohickies that help you store alot of stuff in small places, I really am like crazy interested bout it all. But I cannot lie, I havent done anything about it! I usually go to walmart and get my beginning ideas and price things, then I go online and read up on some of it and go to afew web pages and check out all those neat thing that I could never buy! lol. But I dont know what the hell is going on with me!! I almost always procrastinate important stuff, but never my little hobby projects. I just been hanging at the house. Havent even really hung with my friends lately, me and my other cousin's wife usually chill almost everyday and before yesterday, I hadnt seen her in almost a week. Havent been in walmart in close to 2 weeks, and that is like my therapy, I love love love chilling at walmart, wallking around checking stuff out, even if I only got afew bucks. But oh well, I will shake it off and be out and about in no time at all!!
Well guys, I got a dirty house and it aint gonna clean itself.......or will it!?! lmao! 
Til next time, bye guys.............

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gotta Say It Was A Good Day!

I went last ight and got some pics developed off my hubby's smartphone and a couple pics off my regular one. I have quite afew really good ones of both of the kids birthday parties on my smartphone n from all 4 of us hanging at the house acting crazy, posing for the camera or us sneaking up and catching funny pics of eachother!! But my phone was dead, so I will just have to wait and go back when my phone is charged and get those pics. Hell, I even have some on my camera, that I cant charge nomore til I get one of the thingies to charge it. The camera has some old pics on it!! Like ake's first day of school, pics of that summer b4 we had to move from our trailer out in the country, b4 everything kinda got all fucked up!! I wish we still lived in the country! The kids would be so much better off out there!! The environment is extremely better than what environment we have them in now. The schools in the county are so much better and teach the kids so much more, and they have so many fun things for the kids to do, most of the elementary schools in the county even have football, soccer basketball, softball, and even cheerleading!! And most of the time they do it for free of close to free. But I live in the city, there's nothing I can do about that for at least four years or so, so we r making the very best of the situation we have!! We pay $225 a month for our lil place. And it aint really that little! It is two stories, three bedrooms that are pretty damn big! The only really bad things bout the place is that the only bathroom is upstairs, which sucks so damn bad when youre being lazy or have lil ones that r scared to go to the bathroom when nobody else is up there. Also, the apartment is oorly insulated and only one big heater downstairs so upstairs stays pretty cold.There's also no dryer connection, and that really sucks!! My husband has spoiled me really bad over the years and I have always had a waher and dryer, but to have one here, not only would I have to break the lil rules, but I would also have to rig it up.  But enough about me fussing bout my apartment......Its a decent place to stay and it is really cheap, and most importantly, it feels like 'HOME' when I come in! That, I think, is the most important part, right!?!
Enough about that!!  Did everybody go to church today? My babies go to church every Sunday,, but today, they both stayed out and layed hooy. I made te mistake of giving my son the option to go or to not go, and I really thought he woulld make the right decision and go, but of course he decided not to go. My lil girl was going no matter what, but they had all the kids outside waiting on the bus for like 20 minutes longer than they usually do, and she got really really cold and decided she wanted to just go inside til it was time to leave, and the bus left without her. She wasnt upset like she usually is when something doesnt go her way, so I think that she wanted to go just about as much as her brother wanted to go!!!! lmao!! But thats alright to though, they both pinky swore that they were going next week, so I wil get my Naked Sunday afterall, just a week later.
I have been cleaning for days and my mom's been here at the house visiting for like 5 or 6 days. So I havent really been able to keep the house work and the kids on their regular schedules! So in the next day or so, I should have everything back to normal just the way I like it! You cant have kids and not hae them on a schedule. That would be pretty impossible!! Housework too, you gotta have that on some type of schedule.
Well guys, I had a bunch of stuff to write to yall bout, but its Sunday night and I have mommy things to do. One kid has already passed out on me, so I can ust bathe him in the am, but me and my lil girl gotta go take a bath, read a bedtime story, and get into the bed!!! I will write what I was planning write this evening first thing in the am!!!
I love you guys for reading!!! It sure does make me feel important. comment on my stuff and let me no what you guys want me to blog bout!!
Until next time.......

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

here's some home cleaning remedies

Alright guys, the last time I was  here I said I was gonna post some of my favorite old style cleaning remedies. So here are a few of myne, a couple that my friends told me bout, and some I found on a couple of sites.

--you can use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to kill bugs (most all types of bugs)
   around the house. This is useful whe you dont have the cash for bug spray or if
   you have little ones crawling around.

--adding baking soda into your white wash load will help make the clothes even
   brighter! You just wanna add the bleach in at the beginning of the load with
   the detergent, and add the baking soda in with the rinse cycle.

--Of course, everybody knows this one.....peroxide helps remove blood stains.

--For crayon markings.....on vinyl or linoleum floors, you can use silver cleaner.
   On wood floors, I've been told to use those soap filled brillo pads, but that
   seems like it would leave huge scratches, and I would rather keep my lil ones
   "art work" that have big scratch marks, so I dont have any recommendations for
   this one. To get crayon marks off painted or tile walls, windex works everytime!!!

--To get pen stains out of fabric, sray some hairspray directly on the pen markings,
   then scrub with your choice of detergent, then wash as normal.

--To remove gum from clothing, put a brown paper bag over the gum, and iron
   over the paper bag. When you ull up the bag, the gum will come off with the
   the bag. I love this one. An old woman told me bout this and IT WORKS!!

--Another one that almost everybody knows...toothpaste will clean tarnished
   silver. Works great if you forgot to take off your silver jewelry before you
   cleaned with bleach. Ive done this my whole life.

--Here's one that I never heard of but gotta try....To get your white socks really
   white again, boil them in water with lemon slices. I will let you guys know how
   this one turns out! lol

--Vinegar can be used as an all purpose cleaner, for just about any cleaning around
   the house and even the car. Just mix half water and half vinegar, pour into a spray
   bottle and your ready to clean!

--Here's one that I learned kig for a maid service. If there is cooked on food or anything
   stuck in the microwave, spray the cleaner of your choice into the microwave, all inside,
   and turn the microwave on for about 20 to 30 seconds. When it beeps, you will be able
   to wipe it out 100x's easier.

--Right after using your Foreman Grill or any electic sandwich makers, soon as your done
   using it, unplug it and place a dry paper towel in there and close it. The leftover heat
   and steam will make moisture, causing anything that you would usually have to scrub
   to come staight up with just a little wipe! After you wipe it clean with the hot, damp
   towel, use another paper towel to get any excess.

--If the house is smelling weird, get a coffee cup and put two to three caps full of
   vanilla extract into the cup. Put the coffee cup in the oven at 250 to 275 degrees.
   The house will smell great in no time at all!

Alright there are a few of my little helpful hints for you guys. Hope that you are able to use afew of these little hints. I have no hobbies but housekeeping ever since I had two kids. So I find ways to make it fun for myself. lol. Right now I am getting into some organizing and things. Once I get some good info on it and have the chance to try out a few things myself, then I will blog and post a few things on that.
I am really getting into this blogging thing. Thanks to whoever you guys are that are reading these cause I really appreciate it!!! Until next time......

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Today is my daughter's bday party!!!!

Well, today is my lil girl's bday party. Her actual bday is Saturday, but this is the only day we could book the party at +Pump It Up. She's turning 5 yrs old! Goodness, it feels like just yesterday she was trying to chew on my son's game controllers, Nowadays she's right in there with him, even beating him in alot of games! lol. She's such a girly girl, so different nfrom the way I was at her age! I wasnt exactly a tomboy, but I wouldn't be caught dead in a dress or with my hair out of a ponytail! NewNew, on the other hand, is wearing a tutu to school today so everybody can see what she's wearing at her party. Its a hot pink and black 'monster high' tutu, shes got her hair up in pigtails, and high heels to boot! My lil babygirl is growing up so damn fast. I love it, but I hate it at the same time! I love that she is so independent, but I sometimes wish that she was still a tiny baby needing me for everything! Her and her brother are growing way too fast for me! Okay enough bout my babies.
Me and my hubby have been working on our relationship lately. We have gotten to a bad point in our marriage a few times, even split up for like 3 months like 4 years ago. So lately we have been trying to find dtime for just us, like we use to do back when the kids were babies. Two days ago, he was off work for the day cause there was no work to do, so we went down to the park and checked out the new disc golf course they are building. We even tryed feeding the ducks. By the way, youre so much better off bringing bread to feed them, the stuf they sell you there cant be seen when you throw it or when it hits the ground. And if it has rained lately and the water is merky, they cant see it in the water either!! So go with a $1 thing of bread instead of the stupid stuff they have there! Anyways, we had a blast hanging out just the two of us, we did miss the kids alot and that was almost the only thing we talked about, but we were by ourselves and enjoying it. Next time we have extra cash and my mom around to babysit, we are gonna go out alone again. I wanna see a movie or get a buzz and go to an arcade. That sounds like a damn good couples night!! Neither of us believe in therapy for couples, like if you have to go to counceling your relationship is pretty much gone unless youre willing to put in the effort! We both think that the couples we've seen go to counseling were so dependant on the therapy that they forgot to work on the marriage in the ways they always did before, and they end up forgetting eachother. So me and him are doing it the good old fashioned way.........argueing and loving, remembering to do small nice things for eachother, and remembering the reasons we fell in love to begin with! We also try to be grownups about it all, the kids are whats important. If the kids are happy, me and him are happy, period! But me and my husband dont really have that many problems, thank the good Lord! Most of our fights and arguements stem from money and/or who has to what chore and who did it last. lol. It sounds so silly when you type it out. Im one of the lucky few that found my soulmate!! I dont think there is anything that could tear us apart but the Lord himself! We have strong real love for eachother, and we both know it!! I thank God everyday that He let me meet my man. I know how lucky I am! He doesn't hit me, never cheats, only lies about stupid things, and he is so great to our children!! He is the best daddy to our babies. He never misses anything important to them. He goes to the daddy days at school, eats lunch with them at school on the 'bring your parents to school' days, and he takes up time with them! I can honesty say that he is there for them more than even I am, and I am a really hands on mom. I never wanted any children until I met my man. When we got serious in our relationship thats when I started to see that he would make a great dad, and that he would never be the type to run off and forget about his family. Even when we were separated, he was there for all 3 of us, payed my bills, bought them and me everything we needed, and took the kids out to eat every weekend. Well, let me stop singing his praises. Everytime I brag about how great of a guy he is, he does something stupid or starts an arguement in front of people, so wish me luck I dont have to beat him like a toddler! lol.
I hope to start getting some followers soon! Tomorrow I will be posting some neat things on here. Some DIY things, a recipe or two, and a few things everyone needs to if you have stuck on food in a pan, you can soak it with a dryer sheet and it will take up everything under the sheet! Some need to know things like that!!
So..........until tomorrow.......byebye

                                                                          Love Ya Lots,
                                                                        Southern Moma

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My First Blog

     Well, this is my first blog. Ive always liked the idea of having my own, but never could think of anything worth while to write to you guys about. I think, well I hope that Ive found a few topics that you about. This blog will be about my daily or so life, some recipes here and there, a few ideas and experiences on child care and raising the lil ones. I will have funny stories here and there bout my family or silly jokes. Just to say overall the blog will be about the life of this southern mother!
    I hope to get some followers soon! I just started.......I need to take my own advice and "be patient my young grasshopper!"
     I will be posting some off my favorite recipes tomorrow!!
Love ya, Mean it!!